The 100 page notebook has been transcribed into a Pages document. That is what a MAC calls its word processor. Photos have been placed, numbered, and named properly. Everything has been printed out as a PDF, bound, and is in hand to read from. It will not be put on line as it is very fragmented; it makes sense to me and helps me to remember what I did and want to do.
My skills are increasing with the MacBook and Pages. More photographs have been taken in order to flesh out everything that was done. Such photos are a shot of my darkroom door, a shot of a measuring cup with a darkroom thermometer and film canisters in it, and one of a small tray that just fits a 4x5 plate with calcium carbonate on it and a bottle of EverClear beside it. That kind of thing. I know what everything is but a new person would need to see pictures lacking hands on experience.
The local hardware store has supplied me with a stack of plates to coat and emery cloth to sand them with. This batch will be coated thinly with Formazo to see if the edge artifact of picture framing goes away. The experiment will also tell how fast a thin emulsion will dry.